Complaints as an opportunity


Complaints from customers often give us a bad feeling or considered annoying. But they are an opportunity – and a gift from the customer who has just told you what they are not happy with. Staff are not trained, or else have received only insufficient training to successfully handle complaints. They are unable to deal with the complaint itself or the person complaining, so they provoke and produce extra aggravation, or worse still – lose customers.

In this workshop, you will learn how to turn an annoyed and dissatisfied customer into a loyal, regular customer!


  • Recognising complaints as an opportunity
  • Recognising types of complaint and reacting appropriately
  • Rules of behaviour when dealing with customer complaints
  • Four valuable points to build trust
  • Presenting solutions to problems
  • Separating the factual level from the personal level
  • Reacting confidently to personal insults
  • In role-plays using practical examples, handling complaints is practised and consolidated


For information relating to course dates and venues, please click here.

If you are interested in this workshop for your team, please click here.